Category - Columnists

Columnists - Elaine and Don Cassidy

The King of Birds Comes From the East?

Not all kings are tyrants, with perhaps the exception of the Eastern Kingbird, a member of the Tyrannus Tyrannus genus. Arriving in Calgary and area about mid...

Columnists - Nick Jeffrey

East vs West

India Pale Ale, or IPA for short, has been the most popular craft beer style for many years. IPA was originally designed as a cranked up version of the English...

Columnists - Elaine and Don Cassidy

My Spirit Bird

Combining height, beauty, a regal sensibility, radiating a calmness in a fast-paced world, yet having lightning reflexes and muscle speed to strike fish as...

Columnists - Nick Jeffrey


I had out-of-town friends visiting last week, so as one does, I took them to that besotted bacchanalia known as the Calgary Stampede, and after braving the...

Columnists - Elaine and Don Cassidy

Ducking It On The Lake

Although I love looking for tiny birds to photograph, there are times of the year, especially in May and June, that Alberta’s ducks prove to be irresistible. A...

Columnists - Nick Jeffrey

All About Albariño

July certainly came in with a bang, with the double whammy of water shortages in Calgary and Chestermere, plus our now-annual heat dome scorching much of...

Columnists - Elaine and Don Cassidy

Ozzie the Osprey

In early May, with Lake Chestermere being filled with Bow River water, “hunting” opportunities for our local birds of prey increased. While watching the skies...

Columnists - Vamini Selvanandan

Climate change is a health crisis

As we cope with extreme heat waves and unpredictable wildfires this summer, it is hard to deny that climate change is a reality. With record setting high...

Columnists - Elaine and Don Cassidy

My Red Rose Tea Blackbird

My father enjoyed a good cup of tea or two every day. Each lunch when he came home to join the family for the hour, invariably tea was part of the menu. My...