Category - Columnists

Columnists - Martin Shields

A Real Plan for the Environment

Parliament has risen for the summer, and the 2019 election campaign will soon be in full swing. It’s an exciting time in Canadian politics – and our...

Columnists - Leela Aheer

MLA report July 4

Hello Chestermere Readers! Happy Canada Day! We hope you had a chance to meet up and greet fellow Chestermereians and join in on the celebrations at John Peake...

Columnists - Steve King

Dogs’ teeth

“What big teeth you have, grandma” said Little Red Riding Hood to the wolf. Apart from needing an optometrist, Little Red Riding Hood may well have...

Columnists - Steve King

Effect of having a dog

I recently saw the title of a Facebook article which said “Have you ever had a dog that’s affected your life?” To me that’s like saying...

Columnists - Leela Aheer

MLA report June 27

Hello Chestermere! This has been a very busy week, and I hope that you were able to take in the many functions and events around town this past weekend! A big...

Columnists - Nick Jeffrey

Dear Near Beer

Alcohol free beer is experiencing a surge in popularity that has not been seen since the dark days of Prohibition. An alcohol free beer goes through the same...

Columnists - Preston Pouteaux

Fix it

I was working under my older model Ford truck changing out a broken piece when my neighbour stopped by. “I hear you might not know what you’re...

Columnists - Preston Pouteaux

Pop-Up Adventures

Years ago when I was just starting college, one of the staff members at the college hosted the strangest and most memorable adventures for students. Without...

Columnists - Nick Jeffrey

Alberta Advantage?

Last week was full of ups and down in the Alberta beer industry, taking me on a roller coaster of emotions, from giddy highs to despondent lows, and everywhere...