In October I embarked on a cross-Canada tour talking about the ways that loving our neighbours is changing our lives, our hearts, and our communities. In each...
Category - Columnists
Columnists - Preston Pouteaux
Intrepid Whimsy
Columnists - Martin Shields
Statistics Canada
Canadians across the country were shocked to learn this month that Statistics Canada wants access to our personal banking information – without our knowledge...
Columnists - Nick Jeffrey
Any Port In A Storm
Portugal is often considered a one-trick pony in the world of wine, being famous for their eponymous Port, but not much else. Prepare to be amazed for the...
Columnists - Leela Aheer
MLA report November 22
Hello Chestermere The world needs more Canadian energy. Did you know that we have the best environmental policies on earth? We produce the most ethical...
Columnists - Leela Aheer
MLA report Nov 15
Hello Chestermere, Last night on November 11, I went with my hubby to the Field of Crosses in Calgary on Memorial Drive for one more look at the 3400 crosses...
Columnists - Nick Jeffrey
Oenophiles Of Oregon
I was perusing the Californian wine aisle at my friendly neighbourhood booze merchant last week, when I spied a smaller section of wines from Washington and...
Columnists - Preston Pouteaux
Distinctly Chestermere
What makes your neighbourhood special? This is the question that a community in London, England first asked about 30 years ago. They began the Local...
Columnists - Steve King
Saving lives through the nose
“Can you smell that?” has to be the dumbest question anyone could ever ask a dog. Of all the senses, smell is primary for a dog. In fact...
Columnists - Steve King
Habits and Quirks
On the spectrum of being OCD to being totally laid back, we, as humans, ALL have our habits and quirks. What makes no sense to one person, makes perfect sense...
Columnists - Martin Shields
Remembrance Day 2018
Each year, from November 5 to 11, Canadians from coast to coast to coast mark Veterans’ Week. On November 11th, Canadians across the country gather...