As an intermediate to advanced rider, I’ve always been drawn to the thrill of biking, seeking new challenges and experiences to elevate my skills. However, the...
Category - Lifestyle
In Chestermere, a significant development is underway for the local Catholic community, which has been convening in a school gymnasium for mass since 2007. The...
In the digital age, Chestermere residents are increasingly tuning into the world of internet radio, with CFTR the Rogue leading the charge as a vital source of...
The Meadowlark Trail, the newest section of the Trans Canada Trail, connecting Irricana and Beiseker is officially opening for public use. The grand opening...
Renowned author, travel writer and founder of Alberta Food Tours, Inc., Karen Anderson’s latest project, Eat Alberta First is helping readers choose...
How many employees have wished for a shorter work week, especially when it’s only Tuesday and Friday is nowhere in sight? Though many professionals wish they...
Seniors typically have more time to travel than other groups. That freedom entices many to travel overseas, often for extended periods of time. The cost...
This week Paul and I are in Orlando, Florida with plans to see and do everything there is at Disney World, Universal Parks, SeaWorld and then, top it all off...
We all dream of a white Christmas, and this year Paul and I have had one! For the first time in many years, we are home for the holidays and although we...
Although it’s winter in Calgary, January in South Africa is warm and sunny! Paul and I had a group of clients going on this trip in 2022, but of course...