The Library’s book club met on February 19 to discuss Elizabeth is Missing by Emma Healey. It’s both an easy and frustrating read. The book is...
Category - Features
Acupuncture originates from China and has been practiced for thousands of years. Many studies have demonstrated that acupuncture can cause multiple biological...
That, I believe, is the best way to describe this well thought out production at Stage West. Written by local Albertan playwright Andy Garland, this story...
It’s February – the dead of winter. By now, any remaining moisture has been sucked from the air and Alberta’s dry winter climate has taken hold...
What is a vaccine? A vaccine is a medicine that’s given to help prevent a disease. Vaccines help the body produce antibodies. These antibodies protect...
Is prenatal care important? Yes! You can help make sure that you and your baby will be healthy by following some simple guidelines and by checking in with your...
Wow, what a great turn out with 10 people attending January’s book club! We had a lively discussion. This is one of those books that will leave you...
This article focuses on the importance of creating and maintaining oral habits during pregnancy, because your baby’s health begins before birth. Hormone...
Why don’t diets seem to work? “Going on” a diet is not the answer to losing weight. This is because the weight is soon regained after you...
When I started this book, I was thinking oh no, not another difficult to read story about the horror and destruction of war. However, I was pleasantly...