Chestermere City Council is working to complete the dissolution of Chestermere Utilities Incorporated (CUI) by the end of the year. City of Chestermere...
Category - City Government
The City of Chestermere has launched a whistleblower hotline, where issues relating to city operations and administration can be reported. The hotline was...
Chestermere City Council is moving forward with public engagement on a new recreation centre project. In December 2022, city administration issued the...
Chestermere City Council authorized administration to purchase shuttle buses and molly trolleys to begin the transit system program during the Jan. 17 council...
Chestermere City Council called a second special meeting, rejecting, and opposing the municipal affairs draft inspection report on Jan. 10. The previous...
The Chestermere RCMP requested to purchase a utility terrain vehicle (UTV) and drone to assist in community policing initiatives, at the Dec. 20 city council...
The City of Chestermere has kicked-off a new pilot program allowing Off-Highway Vehicles (OHVs) to be driven on public roads. Under the pilot program, three...
Chestermere residents and visitors planning to ice fish this winter must now add reflectors to their ice fishing shelters. Community Peace Officer Sgt. Trever...
Below is a letter from Minister of Municipal Affairs, Rebecca Schulz to Mayor and Council. The Anchor received notification of this letter last week, but we...
Chestermere City Council gave second and third reading of the Clearwater Park West Road Closure Bylaw after a Dec. 6 public hearing. Senior Planner, Growth and...