Chestermere City Council is speeding up the decision-making process by changing all Committee of the Whole meetings to Regular Council meetings. City...
Category - City Government
Rainbow Road traffic counts are holding steady from the February count. The manager of roads and fleet of community operations Mel Bohmer presented the...
Chestermere City Council is considering removing Committee of the Whole meetings from the monthly docket. Committee of the Whole meetings are used for...
“The Budget looks very good and provides better transparency for Chestermere residents,” Mayor Jeff Colvin posted on social media. “Great work from our staff...
Chestermere City Council tabled the scheduled third reading of the new Procedure Bylaw during the April 5 Regular Meeting of Council. The bylaw will be brought...
Chestermere City Council was advised to not increase the speed limit on Township Road 240 above 60 km/h. Infrastructure project manager Carrie Stettner...
The Parent and Caregiver Support Services (PCSS) is working to ensure families have access to the programs and resources they need. Coordinator of PCSS Suzan...
Chestermere residents can expect to receive their property assessments before the end of March. Property tax assessment are a statement given annually of the...
The draft terms of reference for councils’ task force on minor sport development was reviewed during the March 8 Committee of the Whole meeting. Administration...
City administration recommended that council rescind the public hearing for the dissolution of 1538971 Alberta Ltd, previously Chestermere Utilities...