Chestermere City Council gave second and third readings of the development permit validity and administrative amendments to the Land Use Bylaw during the July...
Category - City Government
The City of Chestermere Council carried the third reading of the Calgary-Chestermere Interface Intermunicipal Development Plan at the June 16 Regular Meeting...
Chestermere City Council received an update on Chestermere to Calgary transit feasibility study as information during the June 16 Regular Meeting of Council...
Chestermere City Council received the Gifts of Kindness 2019 report to the community for information during the June 9 Committee of the Whole Meeting. Gifts of...
The City of Chestermere is offering various resources for seniors in the community in response to COVID-19. Resources such as financial support to access...
Traffic safety continues to be a top priority for Chestermere Municipal Enforcement (CME) as presented in the quarter one report at the June 2 Regular Meeting...
Chestermere City Council approved the two-month extension for the Utility Monthly Payment Deferral Program during the June 2 Regular Meeting of Council. With...
Chestermere City Council carried a motion to purchase a Water Decontamination Station subject to successfully obtaining grant funding during the May 19 Regular...
City Council carried the first reading of bylaw 011-20, which is a bylaw to amend the land use designation of 21 lots under direct control at the May 19...
Chestermere City Council reviewed the local Business Continuity Plan in response to COVID-19 during the Regular Meeting of Council on May. 4. “Business...