The City of Chestermere partnered with Wild Rose Shows to bring an inaugural summer carnival to Chestermere. From June 16 to June 18, the carnival featured...
Category - Features
The City of Chestermere celebrated the contributions older adults have made in the community during Seniors’ Week. “Seniors’ Week for 2023 was an absolutely...
A community-driven art mural has been given the green light from Strathmore Town Council. The final art concept has not been approved, however, Strathmore...
Photos and videos were submitted by Joanne Lemna, Kiran Randhawa and Sharron Matthewman.
The City of Chestermere and Wild Rose Shows have partnered together to bring a first-ever carnival to Chestermere. From June 16 until June 18, the carnival...
East Lake School students took gold at the APEGE Science Olympics for their engineering and design skills. Five Grade 6 East Lake School students competed in...
Local not-for-profit organizations worked to ensure older adults were celebrated during Seniors’ Week. From June 5 until June 11, there was a variety of...
After 16 years of supporting Chestermere and area children, youth, and their families, Synergy’s Executive Director Patty Sproule announced her retirement on...
Students across the province made their voices heard by voting in a mock provincial election. Civix program, Student Vote Alberta brought democracy to life in...
The Strathmore Aquatic Centre is thanking the community for 20 years of community wellness and water safety with a community celebration. On June 4, from noon...