Welcome to December! It is shaping up to be a busy month virtually. We had a very informative Seniors Teleconference on December 3rd with Kim Gordon-Krushnell...
Category - Local News
Chestermere City Council defeated the Second and Third Readings of the Proposed R-1PFD Land Use Redesignation in South Shore bylaw during the Dec. 1 Regular...
Chestermere City Council received the overview of the proposed Lake and Watershed Plan for information during the Dec. 1 Regular Meeting of Council. The...
Holiday Hours and Important Information:The Library will be CLOSED Sunday, December 20, 2020 through to Sunday, January 3, 2021, inclusive.Saturday, December...
Chestermere residents can have Christmas cheer brought to their homes by Camp Chestermere Christmas Elves with the Candy Cane My Yard program. “Think of...
This 1.1% cut follows a 2% cut in 2020 and a 2% tax cut in 2019. Council also reduced a 2018 planned increased of 2% down to a 0.9% increase December 2, 2020 –...
City Councillor, Ritesh Narayan received the 2020 Community Justice Award given by the Alberta Justice and Solicitor General for his Leadership, and crime...
The Rotary Club of Chestermere donated $2,000 to Camp Chestermere that was used to purchase a snowblower and leaf blower. “Camp Chestermere is very...
The government of Alberta declared a state of public health emergency and announced new measures to reduce the spread of COVID-19 on Nov. 24. New...
Chestermere City Council approved the new civic centre complex and fieldhouse to be built in Dawson’s Landing. “We know that having more recreational...