Deliberations on the 2019 Chestermere City Budget continued in council chambers Nov. 5. Discussions in this second meeting on the proposed 2019 budget centred...
Category - Local News
The future of Chestermere Utilities Inc. (CUI) came one step closer to being known Nov. 6. Council directed city administration, at the regular meeting of...
November 8, 2018 – As a result of the City Council directed review of the Chestermere Utilities Incorporated (CUI) business model, the Board of...
Dr. Giggles House of Pain’s “Carnevil of Fears” frightened all of Chestermere for seven days leading up to Halloween night in support of the...
It was supposed to be the war to end all wars. Known at the time as The Great War, close to 10 million soldiers were killed in the conflict that lasted from...
This Remembrance Day will mark 100 years since the guns fell silent on the battlefields of France and Belgium marking the end of the First World War. Despite...
Close to 100 people came to voice their opinion and support for finding a housing solution for seniors in Chestermere at the Seniors’ Housing Roundtable...
Jack of all trades, retired real estate agent, computer technician, and local artist is giving back to community through his art. Rick Gonzales curiosity has...
Synergy is giving youth the information they need in order to move out successfully. The Moving Out and Moving On youth workshop will be held on Nov. 17...
Autumn always seems to be one of the busiest times of the year, doesn’t it? The same is true with your City Council so I thought I’d break down a...