In preparation for legalization of Cannabis on Oct. 17, Chestermere city council held a meeting to discuss the new public Cannabis Consumption Bylaw on Oct. 15...
Category - Local News
Parents often find themselves solving most of their children’s problems. Whether it’s fighting with a sibling over a toy, a tough basketball game...
Firefighters were out spreading the message of fire safety for Fire Prevention Week Oct. 7-13. “The meat and potatoes of fire prevention…is we want...
Youth who have food allergies can collect non-food treats while trick-or-treating at the annual Teal Pumpkin Project Trunk or Treat. Families affected by food...
A storm pond in Springmere was cordoned off after about 2sq. m of untreated sanitary water was mistakenly dumped into it Oct. 5. A small electrical fire at...
When Chestermere RCMP Detachment Commander Staff Sgt. Mark Wielgosz created the Chestermere’s Police Communications Link Committee his goal was to...
The Chestermere Rec Centre is fulfilling families dreams of getting more wear out of their Halloween costumes. “We wondered if we had too many events...
The huge undertaking of commitment and dedication during rehearsals paid off for the cast performing Les Misérables on Oct. 13, at the Chestermere Public...
With the recent blast of cold weather, Chestermere RCMP are reminding residents not to leave vehicles unattended while running or with the keys left in them...
The build for Chestermere’s annual Haunted House is on schedule to frighten anyone who takes a walk through the house of pain. “We have a lot of...