An introduction into Buddhist Meditation is meant to give Chestermere residents a chance to find pure happiness. On Sept. 26 at 8 p.m., residents can learn...
Category - Local News
The Annual Chestermere Rotary Club Amazing Race gave Chestermere residents a chance to get involved and bond within their community. Throughout the course of...
The new Bow Valley College (BVC) Strathmore expansion will aid residents in the area in pursuing higher education while staying close to home. “This...
A 60-year-old Chestermere man has been charged with refusing to provide a suitable breath sample after RCMP received a report of a car, “swerving all...
A 26-year-old man from Calgary is facing several charges in connection with a break and enter Sept. 9. Chestermere RCMP were responded to a reported break and...
Local singer Kate Lynn Trang celebrated her debut album being placed on the Canadian Pop Charts on iTunes on Sept. 15 at the Evergreen Community Spaces in...
Chestermere’s newest family doctor has come all the way from South Africa by way of Saskatchewan to practice medicine in our lakeside city at LakeMed...
The Chestermere Chamber of Commerce in partnership with the city’s Economic Development department as set to host the first Small business week this...
With kids back in school, Chestermerians are being reminded to be vigilant and obey the rules of the road when driving near schools in the city. Speeding and...
A new activity to the 29th annual Chestermere Country Fair proved challenging for youth competitors and entertaining for parents and by-standers. For an hour...