Category - Local News

Local News

Stormy Tropical Vacation

A Chestermere family recently returned from a once in a lifetime vacation, although not in the way most people hope for when it comes to unique vacations...

Local News

Inspiring the arts in Chestermere

Like the students in the iconic musical Les Misérables, Chestermere’s Public Library hopes to inspire others as they host their second annual cultural...

Local News

Classic Cars a family affair

Classic car lovers will be familiar with the Morgan Motor Company and their Plus 8 sports car. And while finding a Morgan Plus 8 tucked in amongst the hundreds...

Local News

Very Old Fish Find New Home

Chestermere was, and still is, a great place to fish.  Everyday there are people out in their boats, or standing on the bridge or down at the dam, trying their...

Local News

Laughing for a good cause

The annual Laugh Madness comedy show is bringing light to heavy themes such as mental illness. Laugh Madness 7: Stand Up For Mental Health will be supporting...

News RCMP News

RCMP Briefs

RCMP continue to conduct patrols in the community to check for unlocked vehicles and secure them. The education campaign see’s police dropping an...

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