The Community Therapy Dogs, formerly known as the Chestermere Therapy Dogs, have held their annual AGM on April 9 in the Chestermere public library. The...
Category - Local News
The Chestermere Lions Club has donated $500 to the Chestermere Regional Recreation Centre to jump start the girl’s ringette drop-in program which began...
Chestermere City Council approved an update to the Municipal Emergency Management Plan (MEMP) at the April 3 council meeting. Once the final training for the...
Chestermere city council started work on fulfilling a campaign promise many of them made, to find savings for Chestermere’s tax payers...
On April 13 the Langdon Theatre Association is celebrating its sixteenth year of productions at the Mount Royal Leacock theatre with four plays starting at...
It’s that time of year again, Chestermere’s premier social event of the year, the 9th Annual Surf-n-Turf Fundraising Dinner and Dance, this...
Taken by Sanity is a local Chestermere band made up of Jonah Morris on vocals, Blair Stillman on keys and Blaine Stillman on drums. Morris is from Bragg Creek...
Putting a timeline on a tee-up time for the 2018 golf season has been a fool’s game. Old Man Winter hasn’t yet received the memo that spring has...
Chestermere kicked off its eighth year for its annual Easter egg hunt fundraiser on Saturday, March 31. The event faced a change of venue this year from their...
A Chestermere girl is up for a national award thanks to her commitment and dedication to figure skating and helping others. Fourteen-year-old Grace Peori was...