Three more of Chestermere’s sitting councillors have announced they will not be seeking re-election in this October’s municipal election...
Category - Local News
Chestermere City Councillor Gail Smith has decided not to seek re-election in this year’s municipal election. “It has been a pleasure to work with...
Bringing the count up to five, Ray Blanchard threw his hat in the race for Mayor Sept. 15. Running on a platform of responsible development and finances...
The community park space around the new ReidBuilt Centre for Community Leadership was given its official name at the Sept. 5 City Council Meeting. Council...
The people streamed into the curling rink at 10am on Saturday, September 9 to view all the Red Ribbon entries and see how their own entries faired! Our judges...
Chestermere City Council approved the second and third readings for the Bridgeport Outline Plan and Land Use designation at the Sept. 5 meeting. The intent of...
The city’s light industrial park has been given an official name and had a broker hired to start marketing and selling lots to industry. The Light...
Chestermere Fire Services (CFS) downgraded the fire ban in the city to a fire advisory Sept. 15. The cooler wetter temperature forecasted for Chestermere will...
Chestermerians are being invited out to party for a purpose at the fourth annual Rotary Club of Chestermere Amazing Race on Sept. 23. “It’ll be...