Chestermere-Strathmore residents elected United Conservative Party (UCP) candidate Chantelle de Jonge to represent the constituency on May 29. De Jonge won the...
Category - Local News
City Council proclaimed June 5 to June 11 as Seniors Week during the May 30 council meeting. Seniors Week provides the community with an opportunity to...
The City of Chestermere officially declared June as Pride Month during the May 30 council meeting. “Every year cities all around the world celebrate the...
The Rocky View Schools (RVS) board of trustees approved the first year of the four-year, 2023 to 2027, education plan. The education plan is reviewed and...
Students across the province made their voices heard by voting in a mock provincial election. Civix program, Student Vote Alberta brought democracy to life in...
The Strathmore Aquatic Centre is thanking the community for 20 years of community wellness and water safety with a community celebration. On June 4, from noon...
Home cooling expert, Simon Bernath, is sharing tips with homeowners on how to get their homes summer ready. “With summer just a few weeks away, many homeowners...
United Conservative Party (UCP) candidate Chantelle de Jonge has won the majority vote for the Chestermere-Strathmore constituency. De Jonge was first inspired...
Rocky View Schools (RVS) is requesting United Conservative Party (UCP) Airdrie-Cochrane candidate Peter Guthrie retract and clarify misleading budget...
Grade 6 Prairie Waters Elementary School students showcased their learning during the school’s annual learning exhibition. Grade 6 teacher Elyse Olafson...