Sometimes life hands you lemons — or in the case of 100 local Lemonade Day participants — a cold and rainy Saturday afternoon. It was admittedly...
Category - Local News
As Council, we tend to talk about the visionary, big picture when we refer to building our community. For this article though I want to talk about the...
A Chestermere man was sent to hospital on Tuesday follow a blaze at a property near the old abandoned water slides. Crews from the Rockyview fire services were...
Joe Roberts knows what it is like to be a teenager fighting addiction, with nowhere to call home but a space under a bridge. Inspired by the likes of Terry...
Adults and kids, get out your LEGO blocks and start planning your emergency vehicle for the Craig Lawrence Memorial LEGO Competition at the Chestermere Ag...
City officials are encouraging local residents to plant red and white flowers this summer to help celebrate Canada’s 150th birthday. The program runs...
For Audrey McDonald the restoration of Chestermere’s first firetruck was a labour of love. The Chestermere Historical Foundation unveiled Big Red to the...