Category - Local News

Local News

Change of Command

With 100 people in attendance, the Chestermere Cadets ushered in a new era with the change of command ceremony Oct. 24 at Camp Chestermere. After finishing his...

Local News

Chestermere Celebrates Diwali

The Chestermere NRI (Non-Resident Indians) is a Facebook group and do two events each year to celebrate our heritage and allow our children and mainstream...

Local News

Lifepath holds wellness expo

Community member had the chance to win a trip for two to Las Vegas at the Chestermere Lifepath Wellness Winter Wellness Expo Nov. 4. As part of the expo...

Local News

City Hosts Aging Well Workshop

About 40 stakeholders and community members attended the Aging Well in the City of Chestermere workshop held at Lakeside Golf Club Oct. 28. “Aging Well...