Rocky View County has begun using an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) in its fight against noxious weeds. “Our main focus is areas where we can’t...
Category - Local News
With summer officially over, community groups are kicking off their fall activities in Langdon. “It’s that time of year when everything’s...
After years of heavy use by the community, the Langdon Field house has had a face lift this summer to get it ready for more years of use by the community...
Lately I have been attending a series of Community Meetings, in our Community as well as others, and it occurred to me that there are a lot of people out there...
Rocky View County is exploring how to best handle organic waste in Langdon after receiving word that soon this waste will not be accepted by the landfill...
The Chestermere Historical Foundation received a cheque for $1,120.15 from Scotiabank Sept. 20. The donation will be used to continue the restoration of the...
The First Chestermere Scouts are in urgent need of more volunteers this fall. “We’re looking for volunteers of all sorts,” said Group...
Close to 100 Local kids carried jugs of water on a five kilometre hike Sept. 24 around Chestermere Lake, raising funds to build a well in Africa. “They...
About 12 families came out to plant their trees the Birth Forest Sept. 21. “It’s a great way to become a part of the city and leave a legacy as...