A Merit Hearing with the Municipal Government Board into the City’s appeal of Rocky View County’s Conrich Area Structure Plan began at the Acclaim...
Category - Local News
It was a beautiful sunny day for a banner Red Ribbon Competition and Chestermere Country Fair. There were so many entries in the Red Ribbon that judging went...
Mayor Patricia Matthews and city council received a letter Sept. 14, updating them on the review of administration and council conducted by Alberta Municipal...
Effective Oct. 1 Alberta’s minimum wage will increase by $1.00 to become $12.20 per hour. This increase is part of the government’s plan that will...
The Kearns family were the big winners at the Chestermere Country Fair Red Ribbon Competition Sept. 10. The family made up of Jamie-Ann Kearns, her husband...
Rotary is again bringing the thrills of the Amazing Race reality TV show to Chestermere. Up to 24 teams of four will compete to decipher clues and complete...
Chestermere cyclist Maggie Lamotte rode to support Wellspring in the annual Tour de Cancervive. “I ride for everybody that…have been affected by...
Crowds of people turned out for the 27th annual Chestermere Country Fair at the recreation centre Sept. 10. “Everyone seems pretty happy that I’ve...
In recognition of a successful year, the city is hosting a Harvest Celebration Sept. 13 at the Community Garden. “We wanted to invite all members who...
Harley Davidson motorcycles and biker’s leathers aren’t what traditionally comes to mind when one thinks of a Catholic Priest. However, that is...