In May, I brought you the story of a group of students at Chestermere Lake Middle School (CLMS) that had launched a new initiative to give back. Earlier this...
Category - Local News
The Community Facility Enhancement Program is a provincial government grant aimed to foster the unique characteristics of the bountiful municipalities of...
Start testing and perfecting your recipes for these special categories at the Chestermere Country Fair on September 10, 2016! You can win a special rosette...
With the 104th Calgary Stampede in full swing, days prior to the kick off one group had a remarkable trek planned – The Big Hitch. In 1925 Slim Moorehouse...
There is lot of chatter about bees and honey here in Chestermere. First, you can raise bees now in our fair city. And because of that enlightened change to...
In February, the City of Chestermere hired Cushing Terrell Architecture (CTA) to perform a Retail Market and Gap Analysis with the objective being to discover...
Since 1867, July first has been a day that is nationally celebrated as Canada’s birthday. Originally called Dominion Day, this day is celebrated from coast to...
The Army Cadets is an amazing organization where members learn about our country, acquire a number of valuable skills, and achieve things as a young adult that...
Chestermere’s largest festival is around the corner and Water Festival has something for everyone! Come out and enjoy everything the day has to offer...
On Thursday June 30th, the Provincial Government announced that Alberta’s general minimum wage will rise $1.00 to $12.20 per hour and the current liquor...