Heaven knows that Chestermere is full of drama and turmoil right now. But that doesn’t stop at our city borders. Alberta as a whole in is a bit of a…...
Category - Local News
For most seven year olds, the biggest day to day concerns involve what game to play at recess and will they hit the homerun in the weekend baseball game. But...
The Chestermere Fine Art Guild is set to have their annual art show on Saturday April 30th. Sherry Telle, President of the Chestermere Fine Art Guild recently...
We’re ticking right along through our look at the history of the Chestermere Regional Food Bank and for those that didn’t know we had a food bank...
We are a group of grade 7 Chestermere Lake Middle School students in a class that’s working on a large social studies project where we are making...
Langdon residents are again finding themselves pulling together to deal with another young life lost, this time at the hands of an impaired driver. Just after...
Every year in April, groups across Canada take a moment to say a huge THANK YOU to the numerous volunteers that make our communities a better place to live. As...
Over the past few years, Synergy has been fortunate to have had various opportunities to join together with individuals and groups in Langdon who truly care...
Over the past seven years, Langdon School has used Project Based Learning and Inquiry-based learning to engage their students in their studies. “We...
For fifteen year old Connor Bertamini (“Bert” as he is known on the ice), making his way to the Western AAA Championship in Okotoks was a huge...