With the announcement of curbside recycling and composting coming to Chestermere came much rejoicing and also complaining. CUI (Chestermere Utilities Inc)...
Category - Local News
In a community like ours, where we are growing by leaps and bounds, it goes without saying that with increased population comes the need for improving and...
What happens when you get a group of ladies together that both enjoy to golf and also want to give back to their community? You get the Lakeside Green Ladies...
They say it takes a special dog to be a therapy dog, and to some degree that is correct. Therapy dogs are brought in to help in a variety of situations whether...
You’ve heard it more than once, that it takes a village to raise a child. But something that true, deserves repetition. Kidz 1st Network Parent Link...
On Friday September 25th at the local Arts Days Celebration, the Chestermere Historical Foundation unveiled a painting done by Margaret Shelton, well known...
For 39 year old mother of two, Shannon Storey, a regular check-up in November 2014 changed her life forever. Shannon was a grade 12 teacher at Chestermere High...
Inn From The Cold began when a community concerned for the growing number of people facing homelessness during the bitterly cold winter of 1996 – 1997...
(Camrose, Alta.–Oct. 5, 2015) Drained sloughs could be a cash cow for farmers and landowners when they restore these wetland areas with Ducks Unlimited...
Sunday afternoons are those quiet days where you prepare for the week ahead, maybe do your grocery shopping or possibly even sneak in a nap. But on Sunday...