On Tuesday April 22, YELL (Youth Encouraging Lasting Leadership) group members Shiya Mangat and Steven Burness attended the Chestermere Town Council Meeting to...
Category - Local News
Lucas Weber, a resident of Chestermere, has been recently awarded with the 2013 Landscape Apprentice Gardener Of The Year. Weber was nominated due to his class...
It’s that time of year again! The Parade of Garage Sales will celebrate its seventh annual event in conjunction with the Spring Fair this weekend. Make...
On April 22, 2014 in council chambers at Chestermere Town Hall, two Chestermere firefighters were awarded the Alberta Emergency Services Medals for their...
Library Assistant, Chestermere Public Library The Novel Book Club met on April 17 to discuss The Dinner by Herman Koch. This book is translated from Dutch and...
Despite the wet heavy snow that blanketed the ground and colder than average temperatures, the United Way 3rd Annual Easter Egg Hunt was a popular event. Lucky...
On last Thursday, at the Aldred Building on SAIT’s Campus, there was a buzz of activity and excitement as the Manufacturing and Automation Students had...
Starting May 1st CHS Art students will have some of their Graffiti Artwork on display at the CIBC bank at 100 Marina Dr. This was a Two week project that began...
On Tuesday, April 15th, sky watchers around the world were delighted with the ‘blood moon’ they were lucky enough to witness in the early morning hours...
It began as a mention in passing-by when Kathryn Knapp, a Child Development Advisor at the Prince of Peace School, shared with another faculty member that she...