At noon on Wednesday, March. 12 at the Chestermere Town Hall during a flag raising ceremony, Mayor Patricia Matthews gave a thoughtful speech honouring...
Category - Local News
Last month the Catholic Women’s League held a Valentines fundraiser in support of the People for Progress Foundation. (PFPF). Their goal was to raise...
Tasha the Therapy Dog lays quietly near Brooke, who is reading out loud to her as practise for the upcoming Listening Tails program. Tasha passed health...
Rosebud filmmakers Royal Sproule, Aaron Krogman and Jordan Cutbill have been nominated for six Alberta Film & Television awards for their movie...
It has been officially announced that Chestermere is one of the ten rural Albertan communities chosen to take part in the ‘Becoming a Community Builder’...
The Chestermere RCMP Detachment is reminding the motoring public of the importance of obeying the rules of the road while operating motor vehicles. With a...
Rev. John Nemanic with excited kids after Angels on High 2013, when volunteer climbers summited Mt. Temple in August. Several families and children from the...
Chestermere has a new addition to the community, and that is an outdoor rink created by the newly founded group called CORA. Established in October 2013, the...
160 High school students from six area schools including St. Gabriel the Archangel in Chestermere attended a unique and interactive career forum hosted by...
On Thursday, February 27th, 2014, The Chestermere Lake Middle School (CLMS) Grade 7 humanities classes along with teachers Clara Chan and Aja Coe hosted a...