Every year many of us make at least one New Year’s Resolution but how many will succeed in their goals? Here is a list of the top 10 resolutions people...
Category - Local News
Jamie McDonald is a fundraiser adventurer like you have never met before. The 27 year old man is from Gloucester, England but has called Canada his temporary...
At the December 2 meeting of Council, the 2014 preliminary budget was approved causing an increase of 4.95% in 2014. This increase means that the average...
Some very excited and dedicated long time Chestermere residents have been quietly working on a project that will allow everyone to have the opportunity to...
As always, life at Chestermere High has been jam packed with events. With the last day being December 20th, kids have had a couple fun days in order to...
‘Tis the season to be jolly, and what better way to share your cheer then to sing along with Christmas Carollers. That’s exactly what the new Chestermere...
Christmas Angels were abundant on Saturday Dec. 14 during the Christmas with Dignity celebration held at Town Hall. Between the countless volunteers...
For the third year, the story of the birth of Jesus and the first Christmas over 2,000 years ago came to life near Chestermere this past weekend thanks to a...
On November 18, Council gave first reading to a Master Area Structure Plan for the 2400 acre Waterbridge Development being proposed in West Chestermere...
The Evolve Learning Team, associated members, close friends and supporters gathered on Dec.6 to mark a major achievement for Evolve’s future in Canada...