Category - Local News

Local News

Five New Businesses Coming To Town

CHESTERMERE – For months now if you have been leaving the core of the town and heading west towards Calgary on the 1A Highway, you have undoubtedly noticed a...

Local News

Town of Chestermere 2013 Budget

On November 19, 2012 Council passed a preliminary 2013 budget for Chestermere. The budget includes an approximate 3.5% increase to residential taxes. This...

Local News

Wilson Master Apps

Starting off with the very basics, every business needs customers and every business needs to let the customers know where they are and what services they can...

Local News

The Lakeshore Esthetics & Tanning

CHESTERMERE – From the moment the door opens and you step inside the new digs of The Lakeshore Esthetics & Tanning you are overwhelmed with a sense of...

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