The City of Chestermere announced the 2020 and 2021 Dave Mikkelsen Award winners. Chaz Peddlesden is the 2020 Dave Mikkelsen Award recipient, and the award...
Category - Local News
The Multicultural Youth Society of Chestermere celebrated Alberta Culture Days with performances, singing, drumming, and blessings at Camp Chestermere on Sept...
Library Cards Your Library card is free in 2021. New Restrictions With the declaration of a state of public health emergency, comes new restrictions around...
Let’s Make Tracks is a hiking group for those who are strong, healthy, and fit enough to hike 8 – 10 km., with some elevation gain. Typically, about 3 – 4...
On Sept. 15, at approximately 1:55 p.m., a Chestermere Peace Officer observed a suspicious male on the property of a Chestermere School. The officer...
The Calgary Yacht Club celebrated the 50 Anniversary of The Laser Class sailboat and paid tribute to first responders with a sail pass on Sept. 11. “The...
The 32 annual Chestermere Country Fair had something for every member of the family to enjoy on Sept. 11. Throughout the day, families could watch the parade...
Since our last article, mandatory masks are required in all indoor spaces, as our numbers are increasing at an exponential rate. There currently 42 active...
The Lake Ridge Community Church is welcoming Chestermere families to the second annual Rocket Derby on Sept. 18 at 12:30 p.m., at the field near Prairie Waters...
Library Cards Your Library card is free in 2021. New Programs Our Fall Program Guide is now available at the Library or for an electronic copy visit our...