Local News

City Looking For Community Input

Chestermere residents are for sure a pretty passionate group when it comes to their canine family members.  On any given day, no matter if it’s sunny +30...

Local News

Calling All Businesses!

The Lemonade Day phenomena is sweeping the city as donations have been pouring in!  With registrations opening in just a couple short weeks, it’s time...

Local News

Oil Respect Campaign

I recently had the chance to criss-cross the Bow River riding, which is roughly the size of New Brunswick. I hosted many community roundtables, met with many...


Theft from Pharmacy

On February 9th, 2016, the Strathmore RCMP responded to a report of a theft at the Langdon Drugs Pharmacy, where a male provided a note to staff asking for...

Local News

Leavin’ It Be For Now

In December 2015, a frustrated City of Chestermere submitted an application to the Minister of Municipal Affairs requesting the annexation of 25,000 plus acres...