Local News

Langdon O.K. Club

Growing old is a process in life that, if lucky, we will all get to experience. But it has been a growing concern in our culture that our senior citizens get...

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Langdon School Newsletter

This month we were fortunate to have won the Fortis Grant for our school. The purpose of the Grant is to focus on empowering communities and schools to...

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Bali, Indonesia

Today, we are going to look at the top 10 must do experiences on the “Island of the Gods”- Bali, Indonesia.  Bali has breathtaking beaches...

Local News

Principal’s Report December

It’s the season of fresh starts; a time to reassess and reflect on the year that has passed.  At Sarah Thompson School, we do this through the lens of...

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Tiny Homes For Those In Need

Alberta based, Serenity Acres Tiny Homes has taken notice of the economic struggles in our province and how it is affecting Alberta residents being able to...