Credit card fraud

On November 22, 2015, Strathmore RCMP responded to a complaint of a group of individuals who had obtained food and lodging in Strathmore with fraudulent credit...

News RCMP News

Two vehicle injury collision

On December 18th, 2015, at 1235 hours, RCMP Airdrie Rural, EMS and Rocky View Fire Services attended a two vehicle injury collision on Highway 567 and Range...

Local News

2nd Annual Women’s Conference

They say when women get together, miracles can happen. Last winter, the first ever women’s conference was held in Chestermere and it was nothing short of...

Local News

Doc Christmas

When you think of Christmas stories, there are likely a few traditional classics that come to mind. But every once in a while a new story emerges and quickly...

Local News

CRCA Holds Annual General Meeting

On December 9th, the Chestermere Recreation Community Association (CRCA) held their Annual General Meeting (AGM). Just as in the last AGM, there was a high...

Local News

Act Of Kindness Warms The Heart

The holiday season is always full of craziness and hectic days spent shopping, cleaning, baking, planning and a bazillion other things. With all of that going...

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