Local News

A City In Recovery

On Sunday July 12th, 2015 the city of Chestermere was rocked with a storm that some are calling the perfect storm. With ingredients such as a storm cell that...

Local News

Swimmers Itch

With this summer already proving to be a hot one, hundreds of people have been try to find relief from the heat by taking a dip in the lake. Public beaches...


The Strength Of A Community

Sunday July 12th 2015 will not be a date that anyone in Chestermere forgets anytime soon. Chestermere residents were woken up around 6:30am when an intense...

Local News

Happy Birthday Canada!

Canada Day is the national day of Canada, a federal statutory holiday celebrating the anniversary of the July 1, 1867, enactment of the British North America...

Local News

A Tour Back in Time

A historical tour found members of the Chestermere Foundation trekking to the west. Not that far west really, but along the busy lanes of downtown Calgary. Our...