The Rocky View Schools (RVS) board of trustees extended the new Langdon School student accommodation consultation into the fall. The new Langdon School was...
Category - News
After 16 years of supporting Chestermere and area children, youth, and their families, Synergy’s Executive Director Patty Sproule announced her retirement on...
Chestermere City Council passed the first reading of an amended animal control bylaw to allow poultry pets, on May 30. Chestermere Municipal Enforcement has...
The government of Alberta ended the provincial state of emergency on June 3. Although the state of emergency has expired, efforts will continue for communities...
The St. Gabriel Catholic Women’s League (CWL) council is calling all Chestermerians to clean out their cupboards and closets to support an annual fundrive...
Chestermere-Strathmore residents elected United Conservative Party (UCP) candidate Chantelle de Jonge to represent the constituency on May 29. De Jonge won the...
City Council proclaimed June 5 to June 11 as Seniors Week during the May 30 council meeting. Seniors Week provides the community with an opportunity to...
The City of Chestermere officially declared June as Pride Month during the May 30 council meeting. “Every year cities all around the world celebrate the...
The Rocky View Schools (RVS) board of trustees approved the first year of the four-year, 2023 to 2027, education plan. The education plan is reviewed and...
Students across the province made their voices heard by voting in a mock provincial election. Civix program, Student Vote Alberta brought democracy to life in...