Local News

What Once Was Lost, Now Is Found

On Sunday May 24th, Chestermere resident Joe Davies was out for a leisurely kayaking trip on the lake when he capsized and quickly realized that his prosthetic...


Mussels? No Thanks!

During the May long week, there were seven high risk boats found in Alberta as potentially carrying invasive mussels. The City of Chestermere is well aware of...

Local News

Hear the History

Though we may not be a city that has a traditional main street, with a false front hotel, post office and train station, Chestermere’s past is one of the...

Local News

City Approves 2015 Budget

On May 18 at the regular council meeting, City Council passed the final version of the 2015 Budget and the 2015 Tax Rate Bylaw. The 2015 budget includes a 3...

Local News

Little Hands Doing Their Part

Now that winter is over, the grass is green and the leaves have woken from their slumber, many residents of Chestermere have turned their sights to planting...


CRCA BBQ was a huge success

Saturday night was all about community at the Chestermere Rec Centre. A three day makeover consisting of paint, décor and a refurbished outdoor space by CRCA...