This is the time of year when folks are thinking of travelling and in this part of the country it is usually to the mountains. Going to Banff was an activity...
Category - News
Around 7am on Thursday April 16th, Strathmore RCMP were called to the Botsford Delicatessen in Langdon, about 20 kilometers east of Chestermere. A customer...
In any community or organization, the success usually reflects on the dedication of hard working volunteers. People that give of their time, energy, and...
Last week’s Anchor shared the invitation from the mysterious Hundreds & Thousands group inviting residents of Chestermere to participate in their...
When most children are selecting a sport to pursue or an extracurricular activity, its things like hockey, baseball, dancing or some form of music. However...
There was quite a buzz in Chestermere on Friday April 17th as rumour had it that the big blue PC bus belonging to Premier Prentice would be rolling into...
Members of the Chestermere RCMP are a dedicated group of men and women who put their lives on the line for us every day. Going above and beyond the call of...
The Knights of Columbus Council 14492 of Chestermere are gearing up to host their annual Surf N Turf event. This is the 6th year for the ever popular event...
One of the biggest hot topics in Chestermere lately has been around the new recycling and composting programs being introduced to residents by CUI (Chestermere...
We all know that Chestermere is a city full of talented residents. Whether it be in the world of sports, art, business or volunteering – we should be proud of...