Local News

Travelling to Banff

This is the time of year when folks are thinking of travelling and in this part of the country it is usually to the mountains.  Going to Banff was an activity...

Local News

Lanterns of Love

Last week’s Anchor shared the invitation from the mysterious Hundreds & Thousands group inviting residents of Chestermere to participate in their...

Local News Sports

No Fear

When most children are selecting a sport to pursue or an extracurricular activity, its things like hockey, baseball, dancing or some form of music.  However...

Local News

It’s Surf n’ Turf Time

The Knights of Columbus Council 14492 of Chestermere are gearing up to host their annual Surf N Turf event.  This is the 6th year for the ever popular event...

Local News

STORYHIVE Gets Musical

We all know that Chestermere is a city full of talented residents.  Whether it be in the world of sports, art, business or volunteering – we should be proud of...

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