Local News

Gypsy & The Rose

Never heard of the Gypsy & The Rose? Well, here is everything you need to know from their website. ‘Gypsy & The Rose, based out of Chestermere, are a...

Local News

Phase 1 of Family Bike Park Opens

Much to the delight of the young bikers who have eagerly watched the construction process, two features of the Chestermere Family Bike Park are now open to the...

Local News

Hotel in Chestermere

“A hotel in Chestermere”? – This is the buzz that’s been going around the community lately, along with “Will a hotel benefit our...

Local News

Fatal Accident on Highway 1

At 9:35 pm or 21:35 hours on July 8, 2014 a single vehicle roll-over collision occurred on Hwy 1 at Range Road 283 near Chestermere, AB. RCMP units from both...

Local News

Canada Day Celebrations

A long, winding line stretched along the sidewalk of John Peake Park for the pancake breakfast that kicked off the start of Chestermere’s Canada Day...