Ahoy there all you boat lovers! Do you harbor a desire to build or own a wooden boat? Why not visit the Wooden Boat Exhibition at the Calgary Yacht Club during...
Category - News
On Saturday, July 5th, Canadian superstar Mike Holmes made a special trip to Chestermere to help promote his "Holmes Approved Homes" program. I was...
Country music, dusty boots, wide brims and shiny buckles – just the way for Chestermerians to kick off stampede. Dan Arnold and accompanying guitarist filled...
Members of the community of all ages gathered at Camp Chestermere on Thursday to celebrate being community builders. This program, which only a few communities...
The grade 5 students, with the help of their teacher Christina Van den Eynden, of the Prairie Waters Elementary School and other schools across Alberta...
This was the first fundraiser held by the Friends of Chestermere East Lake School Society at the Chestermere Landing. The purpose of this benefit was to raise...
Saturday proved a bit breezy; not the best conditions for a paddlefest with the choppy water but nobody was deterred as they clambered into the canoes, kayaks...
With last year’s success in the Communities in Bloom provincial competition you have all heard that Chestermere will now be competing on the national...
Since Chestermere residents first learned about the efforts to build a unique adult living pocket neighbourhood on a neglected parcel of land on the east side...
As you drive over the Chestermere Lake Bridge toward 16th Ave heading into Calgary or out to Strathmore you can always see a collection of faded blue tunnels...