Vernon, B.C. – Cadet Emilio Duran of Chestermere, Alberta. was recognized as the best cadet in the six-week Drill and Ceremonial Instructor Course at Vernon...
Category - News
Art is a leisure activity many of us left behind in high school and now we are left admiring the talents of others and wishing we could duplicate their work...
For the fourth year in a row, a donation of $1000 was made by the Chestermere Bottle Depot to the Chestermere Public Library. Owners Karamjeet Khamba (Karen)...
Last week we trekked down to the Glenbow to visit their archives department and library. Jen Peddlesden, President of the Historical Foundation along with Kay...
The Chestermere Community Recreation Center is gearing up for the falling into place of our next season with plans being put in place for the September 14...
As August continues to wind us down to fall and its ensuing change in direction, elementary school age children had an opportunity to engage their brains and...
A great idea grew around a table at Glynis Anderson’s house when her daughter Melanie Palaniuk and friends were talking about the recent events at High...
With all the beautiful flowers and exquisite gardens seen by the Community in Bloom judges on August 9th during their tour of the town of Chestermere, we...
Vernon, B.C. – Lieutenant Jon Carpino of Chestermere, Alberta was presented with the Platoon Commander’s Sword of Distinction at the final parade and...
Aug 19 Council returned for their last meeting of the summer Aug 19 with all five members of council attending: Mayor Patricia Matthews, Deputy Mayor Kelsey...