You may have noticed the change of signage within the town boundary along the stretch of highway formerly known as Highway 1A. This major town corridor has...
Category - News
With generous spirit two Indus area 4H members Emma Gingras and Tiffany Kuryk teamed up with buyers from the 4H on Parade Auction to add to the freezers of the...
Council met at its regular date and time this past Monday, June 17, at 6p.m., with all five members of council returning to their seats. Councillor Hutchison...
Ria Meston, age 17, of the Chestermere area celebrated two milestones this spring. Not only did she graduate from high school but she received a gold medal for...
The Grade two classes at Prairie Waters Elementary School were taken back in time not in a Delorian from Back to the future fame, but by a recent presentation...
What with wakeboarding, barefoot, all the other great new water sports and equipment things are a lot different today than they were back in the 70s. I doubt...
On June 22 and 23 in the Enbridge Ride to Conquer Cancer 289 teams will travel 200km in their efforts to end the suffering caused by this disease that affects...
In a media release from the Town of Chestermere results of the recent Dare to Dream Campaign for future recreational facilities were highlighted. The open...
There have been some surprising headlines in local area newspapers about the growing homelessness situation in Chestermere. A recent grant of $57,662 awarded...
There is great news for the youth of Chestermere! This summer will see work commence on the mountain bike skills park located at Rainbow Falls Elementary...