The Novel Book Club is Chestermere Public Library’s discussion group for adult readers. The club meets from 7:00pm to 8:00pm on the 3rd Thursday of the...
Category - News
CHESTERMERE – This year the Alberta Motor Association (AMA) is celebrating 75 years with the School Patrols in Alberta. It’s a real cause for...
CHESTERMERE – The Christmas With Dignity campaign is well underway for the 2012 holiday season and with it brings a great amount of joy and excitement as...
So what is a fresnoe? It is a type of scraper used to build the dam at the end of Chestermere Lake, and also some of the Western Irrigation district ditches. ...
CHESTERMERE – On November 14th about 170 students in the Chestermere Middle School received instruction in money management and all of the basics that go along...
CHESTERMERE – The formality of a sod turning signifies the start of a new building but on November 16th, the ground was so frozen all that could be disturbed...
CHESTERMERE – It seems it’s never too early to start learning a new skill and this looks like the philosophy for the children enrolled in the Little...
CHESTERMERE – About 55 energetic young girls from Strathmore, Langdon and Chestermere showed up at the Chestermere Regional Community Association (CRCA) on...
Emily Potts, a veteran of the Raiders team, is from Calgary, Alberta. She attends Grade 12 at Chestermere High School. Emily started skating lessons at the...
CHESTERMERE – For months now if you have been leaving the core of the town and heading west towards Calgary on the 1A Highway, you have undoubtedly noticed a...