Local News

Do You Have a Fresnoe?

So what is a fresnoe?  It is a type of scraper used to build the dam at the end of Chestermere Lake, and also some of the Western Irrigation district ditches. ...

Local News

Chestermere’s Kinniburgh School

CHESTERMERE – The formality of a sod turning signifies the start of a new building but on November 16th, the ground was so frozen all that could be disturbed...

Local News

GO GIRLS Had a Great Time

CHESTERMERE – About 55 energetic young girls from Strathmore, Langdon and Chestermere showed up at the Chestermere Regional Community Association (CRCA) on...

Local News

Highwood Raider of the Week –

Emily Potts, a veteran of the Raiders team, is from Calgary, Alberta. She attends Grade 12 at Chestermere High School. Emily started skating lessons at the...

Local News

Five New Businesses Coming To Town

CHESTERMERE – For months now if you have been leaving the core of the town and heading west towards Calgary on the 1A Highway, you have undoubtedly noticed a...