Canada’s post-pandemic economy is like a cross-country horse race. Out front, galloping through the canyons of inflation, geopolitical instability, and supply...
Category - News
Chestermere City Council gave second and third reading of the Clearwater Park West Road Closure Bylaw after a Dec. 6 public hearing. Senior Planner, Growth and...
The Strathmore RCMP arrested two Calgary men after recovering vehicles during multiple rural property checks. On Nov. 30, at approximately 10 a.m., the...
The Airdrie Knights of Columbus Council 8045 have launched their sixth annual Airdrie Dream Vacation Lottery. During the first five lotteries over $87,000...
The RCMP is reminding Albertans to not drive impaired this holiday season. “The Alberta RCMP hopes that together we can all do our part to uphold traffic...
The City of Chestermere kicked off the holiday season with the annual Winter Lights Festival on Nov. 26. Each year, residents and visitors enjoy fire pits...
Chestermere residents were invited to an RCMP community engagement night on Nov.28, to learn about policing initiatives, and what RCMP members are doing to...
The Rocky View Schools (RVS) Board of Trustees approved the 2021/22 annual financial statements and directed Superintendent Greg Luterbach to submit the...
The City of Chestermere’s Parks department is working to prepare ice rinks for the upcoming winter. “The first week of flooding is a crucial part of the...
More than 10 million visitors explored Alberta’s provincial parks, taking part in outdoor recreational opportunities this year. Over the past five years, the...