Summer Reading Program: July 4th – August 18th, Myths and Legends ThemeRegistration starts Monday, June 13, 2022. Phone us or come in to register. FREE...
Category - News
The Strathmore RCMP arrested two suspects for stealing copper wire from a cell tower in Wheatland County. On June 1, at approximately 5:21 a.m., the Strathmore...
The provincial government is improving police response to mental health calls. The 2022 budget allocates an additional $1.6 million to implement the digital...
Ministries across the provincial government have made an action plan to support children and youth that were impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. A Child...
The Chestermere Public Library is giving community members who want to try a new hobby but aren’t sure where to start, a chance to Test Drive a Hobby. “The...
A Calgary group is preparing to run 100 km within 48 hours in support of the Alberta Animal Rescue Crew Society (AARCS) and the Ronald McDonald House. Sean...
A provincial and federal investigation revealed that the Tim Hortons app violated Canadian privacy laws. Tim Hortons has agreed to implement the privacy...
The provincial government is investing in crime prevention by funding Alberta Crime Stoppers. Over the next three years, Crime Stoppers will use $850,000 to...
From May 20 to May 23, the Alberta RCMP removed 165 impaired drivers from roads. On May 21, the Alberta RCMP participated in National Impaired Driving...
The City of Chestermere’s Chief of Staff Kim Wallace presented a community update to council during the May 17 meeting. Wallace announced that the city will...