The Alberta government is increasing public safety across the province by hiring more sheriffs and implementing new initiatives to address rural crime. The...
Category - Provincial News
The provincial government is investing an additional $126 million over three years to support complex needs in classrooms across Alberta. “Alberta’s government...
Alberta police services are now mandated to wear body cameras by the provincial government. “Mandating police to wear body-worn cameras is a transformational...
Budget 2023 will support schools as enrolment numbers continue to increase across the province. The provincial government is investing $820 million over...
The provincial government is expanding mental health resources for youth. A new partnership between the government of Alberta and CASA Mental Health will give...
The provincial government is investing in new and modernized classrooms, in Budget 2023. Over three years, the government will invest $2.3 billion in school...
Canada’s natural carbon areas could play a role in the country’s strategy to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. A national report from the Council of Canadian...
The provincial government is projecting a surplus of $2.4 billion in 2023/24. Budget 2023 will fund health care, education, community safety, job creation, and...
The provincial government is proposing funding for Alberta’s primary health care system in the upcoming budget. If passed, Budget 2023 would invest $2 billion...
The provincial government is working to build economic development capacity, innovation, and growth in communities with the economic development in rural...