The staff at Chestermere City Hall might want to take a drive in the country to look at what they are trying to annex. On their annexation map, the eastern...
Category - Comment/Letters
Dear Editor: The citizens of The City of Chestermere were handed a very expensive Christmas / New Years present just a week before Christmas. Their mayor...
Dear Editor, In recent days Mayor Mathews has voiced her opinion with respect to the Conrich area of Rocky View County and has made formal application to the...
Observations from CRCA AGM December 9, 2015 including “Don’t bite the hand that feeds you”. The CRCA board are all volunteers. Most were new...
On Tuesday, November 3rd, my husband went to the Bottle Depot with our recycling around 4:00 pm. As always, we take our furry little family members where ever...
Today while out walking my dog, as I do every day, there was the usual garbage left and/or thrown out the window of vehicles along the roads and pathways, Tim...
Our team wishes to extend a note of very sincere appreciation to the lady who brought coffee, sandwiches and donuts to the field on the evening of Wednesday...
I have some concerns about the recent purchase of the land by the City of Chestermere. I notice from the City’s zoning map that there is a section of...
Dear Editor: I wanted to comment on the recent changes that have taken place with our re-cycling program and to say that I am encouraged that our CUI people...
Dear Editor, I want to thank Phillip Grimson, of Langdon, for his shout out to Fit on the Lake in the Letters to the Editor in the September 3, 2015 issue of...