Good morning I have some comments on the letter to the editor that Mr. Priolo wrote in defense of re zoning his 2 properties in the town of Chestermere. Mr...
Category - Comment/Letters
Many people are getting tired of having to clean their shoes but what they don’t see is that only they can make that better. Bylaw has been doing...
To the residents of Chestermere: I would like to respond to the previous letter from Mike Ranger that was published opposing the re-zoning of the 2 lots next...
In May 2013 I read an article entitled “Rich Man / Poor Man Dinner and Dance – Chestermere Regional Food Bank”. Underneath it read –...
Chestermere Lakefront Rezoning for Commercial Development We are adding our voices to the many who are appalled by the passing of first reading and now...
It is my opinion that taxes are expensive in Chestermere which is even more evident when you factor in the lack of services we have compared to our big...
The Town of Chestermere is set to approve a bylaw to rezone two residential properties at the north end of West Chestermere Drive for commercial use as:...
Dear Editor, Chestermere Historical Foundation was pleased to receive a small grant from United Way to provide educational sessions in 2014 to Prairie Waters...
Want to move to Airdrie? Maybe you won’t have to as Airdrie could be coming to you. At the November 18, 2013 meeting, Town Council gave first reading to...
Dear Friends in Chestermere and area, The Chestermere Regional Community Development Fund ( CRCDF) will be a registered Canadian charity acting as an umbrella...