Category - Comment/Letters

Comment/Letters Features

What’s Your Issue?

There are less than two weeks left until the municipal election that will elect 6 Councillors with at least three of them being new. Interest is strong with 19...


Have you Seen This Guitar?

My name is Dan Wiseman and I am submitting this in hopes of recovering my guitar that was stolen from my car at our place on 243052 Range Road 281 Tuesday...


Story correction

We apologize for an error in the article “Mural Gift Will Spruce up Lift Station #10 — Unveiling July 27th” which appeared in The Anchor...


Speeding on Merganser

Good Afternoon, My house backs on to the 11 hole of Lakeside greens across from Merganser and I am shocked that approximately 60 % plus of the drivers going...


After Grad thank you

The Chestermere After Grad Parent Committee would like to thank the following for their support in holding a safe and successful After Grad: Langdon Community...

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