Category - Comment/Letters


Selling a golf course

I wonder if this took place about 30 years ago. A group of investors got together and come up with a plan #1 We will start a very large land development on the...


Walks littered with poop

During the pandemic one of the easiest ways to get exercise is to take a daily walk. Chestermere has many linear parks and pathways, so one seldom has to walk...


Long term care needs attention

Dear Editor, This year the COVID-19 pandemic has shown we can no longer afford to ignore the long-standing issues with long-term care and home care. More than...


Bill C-6 is word confused

Dear Editor,   Bill C-6 is not worded clearly enough and may criminalize those seeking help for unwanted same-sex attraction from receiving the counseling and...


The DNA of a community

The City of Chestermere, like most other communities, rely on it’s citizens, their volunteer efforts, & local amenities, to make the community a...