FOOTBALL Congratulations to the Cowboys on a huge upset win on Saturday. Down 10 in the second quarter, the team clawed back to make the game close. They...
Category - Sports
Local Tae Kwon-Do black belt Aimee Maund will be fulfilling a life-long ambition when she competes at the ITF World Championships in Dublin Ireland this month...
Pee Wee By Chris Bailey On our opponent’s 2 yard line, with 19 seconds remaining in the game, the Chestermere Chiefs Peewee team takes a knee to down the...
Another fantastic day to play football for the Chestermere Chiefs Atom Team on Sunday, September 17. They faced off against a very good Calgary team, The Colts...
CHS teams have been very busy with league and invitational games and tournaments. Please note that if there is a limited or no write-up on a specific team, it...
The Chestermere Chiefs Community Football Association is currently selling Chiefs Discount cards. This is our second year taking part in this fundraiser! Last...
Another high school sports season is upon us and our fall sport season is underway. All of our teams are busy with practices and most have started league play...
What a great day for football last Monday was. The sun shined high in the sky, September 11, as the Chestermere Chiefs Atom team kicked off their season under...
Columnists • Sports - Sandy Macdonald
Golfing through fall
This week features my last column for the year. We have had the most fantastic summer, weather wise, in a long long time and hopefully you have had a great...
Seventeen-year-old defenseman Tyler Strath is confident that he’ll earn a spot on the Western Hockey League’s (WHL) Kootenay Ice. “I’m...