A pair of local Tae Kwon-Do black belts are competing in the sixth International Tae Kwon-Do Federation (ITF) World Cup in Budapest, Hungary Oct. 12-16...
Category - Sports
Columnists • Sports - Sandy Macdonald
A great year for golf
For my final column of the year I would like to acknowledge and give kudos to two of the finest golf leagues being conducted in the Chestermere area and that...
The 27th Annual Chestermere Fair Gymkhana was held on Saturday, September 10th, 2016 on a perfect day for the Country Fair. A VERY SPECIAL THANK YOU to the...
Local businessman Alex Halat would like to see an Alberta Junior Hockey League (AJHL) team move to Chestermere. “What the town is missing, in terms of a...
Columnists • Sports - Sandy Macdonald
Improve your consistency
As the golf season winds down I would like to offer one last tip to help improve your consistency and game in general. That tip is to learn to get your golf...
Columnists • Sports - Sandy Macdonald
Master playing out of the bunker
This week we are going to talk about playing out of green side bunkers. This is a shot most people dread but it’s really not that hard of a shot. You...
Columnists • Sports - Sandy Macdonald
The key principals of putting
This week we are going to talk about the most used shot in golf…Putting. Strangely, it is one of the least practiced shots by most amateurs. I...
The Chestermere Regional Community Association (CRCA) is hoping to get people out to play golf in support of the recreation centre this October. The CRCA is...
Columnists • Sports - Sandy Macdonald
Battle through the rough
With all the rain we have been having and the deep thick lush grass that we know face at our golf courses, I thought it might be good timing to talk about how...
Baseball is a much loved sport in the City of Chestermere but with ball diamonds that are less than desirable to play on, the sport isn’t as active as it...